These are the words my heart has been pouring out. I couldn't be happier for what has come to me. I hope everything will go like clockwork.
I thank God for prayers answered; I couldn't 'resist' anymore, I wanna confess my love... there's nothing you can do to make me stop loving & believing in HIM. HE is so wonderful; HE still hears me even though my time spending with him is so little every night. *Shame on me*
All these while, I have been thinking to myself - When good things come my way, bad things will come in millions toward me as well. And when they get too good, I'd start feeling scared and wondering why?! I think I'm quite a confident person, but still, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about them. No matter what, live life to the fullest while u can =)
but, Happy moment only stays for a while; Crappy moment could stay for ever! How strange. lol =p
And I'm very worried about my results. I can't imagine what's gonna be like if I fail any of the subjects. Stress! I can only pray in this point of time...
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Taking a step... towards my dream! Don't you know it's bad when good things happen at the same time? because you can't decide! But they do come into life at the same time sometimes which I would start feeling suffocated by the joy - SUFFOCATED JOY??? Perhaps.
Bonsoir! (means Good Evening)
French class was fun; everyone was laughing at each other's accent and slang. And while I was trying my best to sound "romantic" I found it really hard! But I won't give up; I promise I will be able to speak fluent French when I complete til the advance stage later lol =P (a long, long way to go dude).
It's good to find a balance in life sometimes --> Study hard, Work hard, Play hard & Party hard =) Put all of them together, you need to be really smart I think. (don't agree? it's ok, don't take it into heart).
Do we work to live? or live to work? Personally, I reckon they both work for each other in a way. Employees work to live; Bosses live to work wakaakakakakakaa
So what? I still hope to become a boss one day... hehe
Alright, going to bed now. Au revoir (Goodbye)!
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6:45 am
Sunday, 27 January 2008
My Nightmare Begins!!!!!!!!!!!!
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6:18 am
Friday, 25 January 2008
Last Friday Night...
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8:00 am
Thursday, 24 January 2008
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the exam questions today!!! I was amazingly stoned, with a light smile on my face, thinking: "God, why did you put me here?"
How can they come out with questions that had never been covered by the lecturer? I was thinking when I looked through it: "Did I miss any of his lecture? Or did he miss it when few classes of his were cancelled the other time??"
Part A we had 2 compulsory questions, one of the topics didn't sound like International Business to me; and I had never heard him mentioning about them before. Part B we had to choose 1/2 Q. Basically, there wasn't any option, because the second question in Part B was something veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery new! I won't be able to find it from his lecture notes and neither could I get it from the Student Porter.
My Uni, Amazing-but-true!
Thereby, drinking session had been carried out right next to the school @ 2pm, right after the toughest missionary job in basement. A pint of Foster had me feeling better and chilling out a bit!
After that we went for Indian food!
While waiting for train in Elephant and Castle
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9:45 am
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
I need help for sleeping!!! I toss and turn at night and it's been going on like this for days. Have I got insomnia or other sleeping disorder? I'm really sick of being this way... perhaps too much worries, and too much of those memories ~
I can't believe it's only 5.30am now... and I'm doing this thing here.
I hate to wake up in the middle of the night and in the silence of my room. I have to get my Ipod put on immediately in order to get rid of the bad feelings every midnight. Then I would be staying awake for hours and worried about things. And those thing have got nothing to do with my exam papers and that's what worried me the most now! Few more hours to go for the most important paper; but I'm 100% not well prepared!
I wanna stop ranting here. I don't like it, & really hate it!
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1:55 pm
Saturday, 19 January 2008
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9:25 pm
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Something to tell, something to share...
I dreamt about having my own baby yesterday!!! I dreamt I was pregnant -_-" and it's really strange that I had this exciting feeling towards "the baby" in my dream last night. I'd never had any good feeling towards babies or children; I've always thought they would be the 'burdens' in a family, particularly for not so well off families. I know it's really bad to have such thinking...
And this morning while I was sitting in the tube I saw 2 ladies came in with pushchairs. When I saw their babies, joy penetrated in my heart and smile of joy was hanging on my face throughout the whole journey to London Bridge.
I was observing the mothers attitude towards their babies in the tube; and I reckoned whatever they were doing was to hope to put a smile on their kids face... how sweet! Then the next thing that came straight to my mind was: I wanna have my babies too!!! wakakakakakakakakaka =)
But right after I got off from the tube, instantaneously, I changed my thoughts: Stupid, back to BRM paper! lol
It's nice to dream sometimes... because in the end, you will still have your soul brought back to the reality world =) But at least, at this moment, I have a little more favorable attitudes toward children.
Okay... back to SIM notes now! lol
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3:35 am
Monday, 14 January 2008
Hooray... tagged by NadiaU
I love this leopard print dress; miss it want it But don't need it lol
self camwhoring =)
I'll tag:
Shawn Loong Shee Onn
Sandy Bundy
Fatt Hing
Khay Kor
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5:50 am