Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
The Place
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3:05 pm
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Unsaid Feelings
I can't define the feelings in my heart... I couldn't share with you too. They are complicated. Unsaid feelings... only can be revealed when it's been overcome or let go.
Unsaid feelings make me step into darkness now... I don't need the light switch to find my way. I notice the direction of the game, the mind game!
Secret only becomes interesting when one day after around 50 yrs, you sit on the rocking chair, recalling every aspect of the secret that no one has ever known, only urself and God... hahaha that sounds cool! lol =p
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3:52 pm
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Strategic Management
The title: Strategic Management, suggests the idea of effective management being strategic...
It should've been a really easily understood subject... if there's no Mintzberg's wonderful 10 schools formulation or if my lecturers can spend more time telling me whatever the complexity system in the chaos theory is... eh? Confused!
Damn.... Today's paper must be the toughest one (God, prove me wrong if You could). I've got no idea about relating the Delta Model to Chaos and Complexity.... Two different things! Totally different.... (I think).
Ok... Final Shot! Update soon.
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7:00 am
Labels: Exams
Friday, 9 May 2008
I'm HOT!!!
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11:05 pm
Saturday, 3 May 2008
It's time...
time to update a lil. It's been hella long time!
So long, winter, life's been 'cold' and I'm longing for a summer. I used to avoid standing under the sun... but it's no longer being this way. I dream of hitting the best beach now (with best swimsuits) lol... with a perfect semi-tan body... (I wish) =P
Anyhow, with seasons change my fashion closet needs to change too. This is the most "headache" part. Yellow is the fashion key color for this Spring. But yellow's never been my body's favourite -_-"
Assignments Suck! Were dued last couple of weeks, but haven't been able to pull myself out of it. Not that I love them.. but I'm kinda worried about it... the results I mean. Who the hell was that invented the Harvard system of referencing? Shouldn't he/she feel bad about it for most people hate for what he/she had invented. I bet 9 out of 10 hate doing the Harvard Referencing.
Dissertation is the key... key to determine what degree I would get. Push me a little forward if you could... I should have done something by now. It seems like I'm still enjoying my post-assignment periods now when I actually have exams on the 9th of May and a pre-dissertation proposal to hand in on the same date, too. Wonderful!
Work's been .... emm-emm (if u understand what my emm-emm means here lol). Working with the medical field is something that bore me to tears (sometimes). I think I'd prefer being stressed out in the most competitive advertising field. The stress I gonna feel as if like having a life-taking-machine that operating my life and meanwhile it's almost ruining my everything, anytime, yet... I may still walk away with a huge smile on my face. Stress that would make me think beyond... that'd be Great! I can't think any further now.. I feel like I'm trapped between somethings =( some pics. taken recently =)
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11:21 am