Tuesday, 27 May 2008

The Place

Wow. Jacuzzi strawberry spa with de-stress lavender salt scrub... lying on my comfy bathtub, the bubbles at jacuzzi covering my whole body. How do I feel? ... Heaven! Crystal clear water.... gently splashing water over my body! My skin's smooth & clean again. I look into the mirror... how do I feel? ...Beautiful I am!
Wow. Being with my 2 BEST Friends, 5 entertainers and 1 helper. I couldn't be happier! hahahahahaha =P
Yummy food ~ even plain rice taste unusually good. The soup was great and its aroma was strong! ... Slurpppppppppppppppppp The comfy bed... (I'm Back!) Ohh, my body is lying straight without any tensions now. Oh! Thank God for everything. I love what I'm having now *.* The shiny black marble floor... having both feet chilling on the floor, so cooling =)
I love The Place. I'll stay here for good, one day! =p

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The Cutest Kitty