Wednesday 17 October 2007

Alan & Davy =)

What a lovely Evening!

Alan & Davy came over this evening. As mentioned in the last few posts that we invited them to come over one of these days and we would make them dinner. So, today was the day!!! We all had a wonderful dinner.

A chat here, laughter there. You could just tell it was great! They are really fun and we like having them around us. And guess what… they got us a TV!!! It’s not a new one but I feel so blessed because I have always wanted to get a TV here. And it’s like what… dream comes true! And again, this makes me look up to the sky and in my heart I thank God for the blessings that I’ve been receiving. And I want to bless other people now… anyone that God sends to me!!!

They make a lovely couple; they are so in love with each other and it tells when their eyes look into each other! So sweet =)

aforementioned lovely couple
Davy , Alan

wanna know what we cooked???
Made by Nadia, Orange Juice Pork Chop
my rating: 9/10 (yum yummy)

Made by me, Mixed Veges

Our favourite soup, ABC, made by me too =p

Made by Nadia, Tomato Eggs
my rating: 8/10 (yummy)

There you go... our new TV at home!
*new member*

what Nadia calls it - An Idiot Box. lolz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yummy Yummy.. the food looks delicious~ hooray.. my baby can cook well now.. so when u come back i wanna try ur sau sai k? hehe..:P


The Cutest Kitty