I'm Okay!
Do you ever just feel u're not good enough? emmm it could simply mean by not being good enough for your courseworks, friends, family members, or the company you're working for... or even your landlord haha (random joke, not funny though)
I am not good enough for 'Everything'. Even 'Anything' would have felt they are too good for me. Blek! Wanting to move on... Better times are coming I will have everything back in shapes soon. They are going to be as fit as before lol :D or even fitter than last time. We'll see.
Damn that Bee-yatch lol (random anger)!!!
Somebody please sell me a "magic mirror" for free. I wanna see my future image through the mirror lol. Yeah cheapskate me! HAHA
Don't ever get on my nerves you know I've never been the sweetest person ;-) Am using reverse psychology here... yeah come and get on my nerves then see what could you get out of it!
Went to the doctor yesterday. I took a test, heart-feeling meter test, results' shown that in general 50% anger, 20% furious, 20% madness, 10% burning.... Wow! Doctor sighed and shook his head, a huge grin appeared on his face then.... Why? .... Don't know! This' my blog I write whatever I want =) I like keeping my secrets to myself and to special someones and will always keep it under wraps. I could have bought a diary to pen down every secret moment I'd had been through, but nah... sometimes secrets "come and go", too. lol
'Mysteriously' writing in this blog would help me to dig up the old secrets from my memory when I read back in future hehe. It's all about the memories, and not about referring to notes!
Shut up now and sleep by myself tonight =) well, not only tonight lol :P